HP: 33/100



  • flashlight (battery: 33%)

  • almond water x3

  • camcorder

3:33 am


LOCATION: headspace

welcome to he-man harpy haters club.


  • adult

  • autistic + system

  • art major

3:33 am


  • i rely on humor to communicate. i can get crude and offensive. if i joke about something over the line, tell me please. i can handle the word "no."

  • i have traumas and trauma-based disorders. other alters may respond to you. some days will be rough, please stand by.

  • i suck at responding to dms sometimes, im so sorry.

  • dont seriously flirt with me please. im taken. jokes are usually ok though.

  • tell me if you want tone indicatiors, or if you dont.


  • basic dni stuff (racism, homo/transphobia, etc.) i dont like hateful people.

  • if youre going to be weird or combative towards my alters.

  • system fakeclaimers. i have enough imposter syndrome for the both of us. dont add to it.